September is Healthy Aging Month


It’s September and time to celebrate Healthy Aging Month!

Roughly 56 million people, or 17% of the U.S. population are over the age of 65 according to the U.S. census. As the days grow shorter and the leaves begin to change, (an aging metaphor) this special month encourages individuals of all ages to embrace the journey of getting older with vitality and well-being in mind.

Although it is just one month with a Healthy Aging focus- we know that this aging journey is based on making changes and practicing healthy habits everyday of every month! A dedicated month just gives us time to reflect on the importance of maintaining a balanced and active lifestyle, nurturing our mental and emotional well-being, and making conscious decisions that promote our overall health.

Throughout September, let’s explore ways to stay physically active, nourish our bodies with nutritious foods, engage in lifelong learning, and foster strong social connections. By prioritizing our health and well-being, we can unlock the secrets to a longer, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Here are some tips and habits for aging well.

Embrace the beauty of growing older while maintaining the vitality of youth.

Healthy Aging Month is a good reminder that we are all on this Earthen Sojourn. Since we all have to travel- might as well, travel well.

What is your GO TO healthy aging practice or tip?

My number one GO TO is be mindful about the amount of water I am drinking. Stay hydrated!

This article from NIH talks more about the benefits of staying hydrated.

Self Doubt & Imposter Syndrome

Moving from Can I? to I Can!

Impostor syndrome refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be.

I had to really catch myself and interject some positive self talk this morning. I have been home from work for 3 days with a cold/sinus infection. I felt so badly, that I didn’t look at or respond to emails. This is not typical, as I can get up to 2oo messages a day and missing even 1 day really sets me back.

I felt myself questioning my ability to keep working as I get older. I mean, if a cold can take me out- Can I really do this? Can I keep up with the pace of working a fulltime, really demanding job? Can I? Self doubt occasionally tries to take up space in my thoughts and I am regularly working in affirmations and positivity in any way I can.

It is interesting that when you are physically vulnerable, you become emotionally vulnerable. This can make it even harder to battle Imposter Syndrome.

A couple weeks ago, while I was strategizing and mapping out plans for the next couple months, including scheduling and uploading videos and blog entries- creeping doubt and low self worth tried to enter in. I mean what makes me think I can do this? Can I?

It shouldn’t be so challenging to provide a forum to discuss and share issues of aging that myself and so many in my circle are going though. I firmly believe that we are our own best experts about our mental and physical health. These are our experiences to share and to mormalize.

Even something as simple as drinking celery juice every morning for 14 days felt like a covenant commitment.

I struggled on the days I actually needed to “hand prepare” the juice instead of purchasing the freshly prepared. So every now and again, I need to go through the process of building myself back up. Being my own best encourager. I have gotten really good at it, but boy oh boy, negativity is relentless. I realize that most of it comes from me, but there are certainly external forces at work. We have media that presents older women as no longer useful. We are marketed to with the idea that we need to restore our youth, keep our looks, stamina and vigor up to where it was in our younger years.

Even among our associates and colleagues, vague references to the inclusion of younger voices and engaging young people for their technological skill enter into conversations. Are those really exclusive. Can you be older and listen to and intentionally include younger people? I may need my son to open the peanut butter jar, but I’m pretty skilled with my social media sites and apps that I use.

The “when are you going to retire” question gets posed, not as a genuine concern for well being while aging, but usually as a reflection of a value about older women in the workplace. We are often undervalued, unseen and unheard. Invisible.

Yes, I know women always have that issue. Add aging to it and it can be smothering. So with the first iota of negativity, I find myself trying to inject light into my psyche. I immediately change the script to include positive affirmations. Older women have so many positive things going for them. Speak yours.

I am confident.

I am capable.

I am wise.

I am beautiful.


What do you flip the script to when faced with self doubt? Leave me a comment.

Do Weighted Blankets Help You Sleep?

Hello! Earthen Sojourner here. Today, I am going to answer the question- do weighted blankets help you sleep better?

My goal is to help folks navigate through the aging journey with humor, joy and wellness. If you are a baby boomer or a gen xer- you know getting old is not for weaklings! You gotta bring your A game- physically, emotionally and spiritually.

As an Earthen Sojurner , I am taking a look at all of the things you can possibly bring to enhance your journey.

Let me know what you bring your A(ging) game by listing it in the comments section below and let’s talk weighted blankets.

I am a 30 plus year insomniac. I don’t have real problems falling asleep, but I wake up frequently throughout the night and struggle to get back to sleep. My son probably thought if weighted blankets work- my mom needs one. SO he bought me a 15lb Pendleton weighted blanket.

This is the blanket I have.

I didn’t really know what to expect. It was heavy. It felt slippery. I needed help getting it out of the box! I didn’t think that boded well for getting on the bed.

I didn’t really know what a good night’s sleep felt like. I have suffered with periods of insomnia and interrupted sleep for as long as I can remember. I am a skeptic, but I also am willing to try anything that might help.

Let’s see…. I’ve tried OTC sleep aids, melatonin. sound machines, magneseum, medidation, deep breathing, and Tylenol PM, is was my go to to correct wakefullness that had persisted for over a week. No warm milk- lactose intolerant. I have tried all of the other recommendations like- don’t eat after 5pm, don’t drink after 5pm, wind down, no computer or tv time right before bed…on and on. Many of those things work, for short periods of time, but who wants to do them every night FOREVER?

And if you follow me- you know I talk about my challenges with STICK -TO- IT- TIVE -NESS.

So do weighted blankets work for insomnia and better quality sleep? I would have to yes. My sleep is of a better quality.

The science behind using a weighted blanket is fairly a well-known and a proven relaxation therapy that is used for people with stress and chronic anxiety. It’s called deep pressure stimulation (DPS). The simplest explanation is that it involves firm pressure applied to the body that calms the nervous system. It is what happens when you swaddle a baby. Cuddles and hugs. For most babies we know that works to calm them down. It makes them feel warm, secure and safe.

Science says that firm gentle pressure (in the form of a weighted blanket) can relieve stress, improve sleep, calm children , and aid in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Here is some science if you need it.

I have a full size blanket because my husband and I have slept with separate blankets for years and he’s a cover hog, when he sleeps with covers. He also doesn’t like the weight.

The first couple nights were interesting. The blanket felt very heavy. I get up to use the bathroom at least one time per night. It was like manual labor to get it situated and back into position. The job at hand would actually cause me to wake up more fully. And heaven forbid, if the weighted blanket slid halfway off the bed or onto the floor.

By the end of the week, I made sure I turned it back on the bed when I got up so I could slide in. I had a couple nights that I didn’t get up at all. In the first couple weeks of usage, I took melatonin before bed also. I have been using the blanket about 6 months and many nights I don’t even make my bathroom trip. I also cut out the melatonin and haven’t used it for over 4 months. Not needing the melatonin is supported in the science– as weighted blankets help to increase the production of melatonin and serotonin. I still do some of the other bedtime rituals, like breathing/meditation and winding down, but those are good for many reasons. For the most part- it is just me and my weighted blanket, sleeping pretty good.

So, I have to say that weighted blankets work. I am going to put it to another test though. I plan to add some science by tracking my sleep on my fitbit with and without the weighted blanket in an upcoming video.

Hit the subscribe button and follow me, so you don’t miss the results of my fitbit sleep test!

I wanted to answer a couple questions I’ve gotten from folks

Is it hot? No, it is actually cool. Yet not cold. I used a lighter blanket on top during the colder nights. It is filled with even distributed glass microbeads.

Is it too heavy? How can you breathe? It might be heavy for some people, but the blankets come in different weights. If you have breathing issues, weighted blankets may be contraindicated. If not, and you feel constricted- try a lighter weight. It did take me about a week to 10 days to get used to the “heavy” feeling.

If you decide to try it, again here is the one I have.

Don’t forget to comment below what you bring to your A(ging) game.

What Feeds Your Motivation

Do you need a personal coach?

There’s been so many things that held us down.
But now it looks like things are finally comin’ around.
I know we’ve got, a long long way to go,
and where we’ll end up, I don’t know.
But we won’t let nothin’ hold us back,
we’re putting our selves together,
we’re polishing up our act!

Ain’t No Stopping Us Now by McFadden & Whitehead

This song as been my motivation to get up everyday this week at 4:30 am and get to the gym. If I listen to the remix twice, I’m 20 minutes into my morning routine. I love the line we’re polishing up our act”. That is exactly what I’m doing. I’m getting myself together. I’m polishing up my act.

It has been an entire year since I went to the gym. I tried to do some things at home during the year of the quarantine, but it’s not the same for me. I need the routines and structure of actually, physically , getting out and going to the gym to exercise. Needless to say, getting motivated to start again and to keep going was challenging. Not to mention getting up at 4:30 to drink celery juice and be on the treadmill by 5:00 am. Timing is everything, if you get my meaning.

As I get older, it takes me longer to get into the groove of movement. I try to be very conscious of how my body is feeling. When I started doing the celery juice 4 weeks ago, I also started doing stretches and yoga, in preparation for returning to the gym. Age and inactivity can lead to injury if you don’t listen to your body and push too hard, too soon. I believe it’s more beneficial to move slowly for 3 weeks than to try to go hard and be out of commission for a while. “We’ve gotta keep moving

Music always feeds my motivation.

Good, meaningful lyrics. Great beat. On point vocals and harmony. I am moved by music.

I use music to get me up when I’m feeling down. I use it to calm me down when I’m anxious. I use it to soothe my soul and as background for my praise. Music is a panacea.

I know that many folks use a personal coach or accountability partner, but I have always been pretty self motivated and am my own best (and worst) critic.

I am my own best motivator. I feed MYSELF.

If I don’t do it for myself, it won’t get done. Exercising and eating healthy is as much an emotional and spiritual journey for me as it it a physical one. I have been trying to spend some alone time reflecting, being mindful and utilizing affirmations to get my head right. I have got to be ready to get up and get moving. Nobody can make me. Although I do appreciate my son going to the gym with me as he has my safety in mind, and he also provides a gentle push when it’s needed.

I got news that a friend of mine died the other day. He was really very much like a brother. In fact, he was an ex-brother in law. The father of my oldest niece. He was also probably the closest to a personal coach I ever had. His techniques were a bit harsh. HA. He used to hit balls directly at my sister Claudia and I on the racquetball court and tell us to move our fat AZZES. He would also strategically place them in the corner so that we ran into the wall -alot. Now, at the time we were P_H_A_T ** PHAT, but not FAT! In spite of his tactics, we were very good and held our own. He made us work hard.

RIP Royd Alec Lake. Man, I loved your crazy west Indian self. Royd ran track for Iowa and is probably the reason I don’t run/jog as part of my work out. lol

I am also fed by the knowledge that if I fail I can always start over.

I love the line in the song where they sing ; but we gonna keep trying, we’re gonna keep trying – over and over. I hesitate to think where I would be if it weren’t for the power of the DO OVER. I have stopped a thousand times more things then I have started.

So music, myself, and knowing I can always start over. That’s what feeds my motivation. Take a listen if you want to get a bit of my morning inspiration to get up and moving.

Leave a comment as to what feeds your motivation.

Here’s a few songs on my moving in the morning playlist. Feel free to share yours with me.

McFadden & Whitehead – Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now (Official Audio) – YouTube

Chicago Mass Choir- “Get Your Blessing (Look Up)” – YouTube

The Gap Band – Outstanding – YouTube

Saturday Love (12″ Extended Version) – YouTube

Love Come Down – YouTube

And the Beat Goes On – YouTube

enjoying the journey

For we are strangers before You, and sojourners, as all our fathers were; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope or expectation of remaining. 1 Chronicles 29:15

My name is Francine, and I am an Earthen Sojourner. This is my journey of self- care, where the physical, emotional and financial realities of aging are merging. They are often colliding with life in the midst of the pandemic. Join me as I try to navigate this growing older journey with optimism, laughter and an openness to learning and exploring.

I’ve tried just about everything to help me sleep, decrease gas, keep my skin looking young, lose weight, comfort aching muscles and all the other issues that rise up with growing older.

And as I am sure you are aware- there are no shortages of products, remedies, gadgets and gimmicks to try. What really works though? Let’s find out together. Better yet, let’s just have fun living, aging and moving on.

We are all just travelers- might as well, travel well.